When contemplating a super short haircut you have to be very certain before you decide to take the leap. A great tip is to pull your hair back and envision what you would look like with shorter hair. Generally oval facial shapes carry this style very well, however if your face is too long, wide or round you should opt for a longer short haircut. A super short haircut is refreshingly manageable, a wash and go style if you will. These cuts are not for the faint of heart though, due to them being the shortest, but with ample self-confidence this style can be pulled off superbly. Layers in varying lengths add a hint of volume. You can have textured pixie bangs or leave them a bit longer and style them at any angle.(Taper)
The chin length haircut is ideal for anyone and this is probably the most versatile short hairstyle. Lengths for this style vary and may be cut into layers, kept at one length or graduated. Bangs look superb and finish off the hairstyle with a feminine softness and they can be any length. Experiment with different looks, for instance: tucking your hair behind your ears with a sleek finish, using a curling iron to achieve romantic locks or by adding some hair accessories etc.
It is certainly a huge step for anyone to cut their long hair, thankfully we've evolved and new software can provide you with a preview of your new shorter style. If you like specific haircuts gather similar pictures and explain to your stylist what you want and ask for their advice, after all they studied cosmetology and are trained in this field. Make sure that the salon you choose has good references and you feel comfortable with your choice and stylist.
Taking care of your hair should be your first priority. Treat and moisturize your hair on a weekly basis and avoid using too much heat on your hair. These days you can achieve great styles with various techniques, but it's a lot easier to accomplish with an investment in some great quality styling tools. Short haircuts are making a comeback with a chic selection that is fashionable and versatile.
Tag: Taper
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